1) If the hours have been reduced due to reasons caused by the worker themselves (being late, requesting permission to leave earlier, etc.), the actual hours worked should be reported directly when marking the task as completed. Hours can be reported with a precision of 15 minutes.
If you are late, you can also agree to make up for it by completing the required task later. However, sometimes this is not possible, in which case you can adjust your hours to correct for the delay.
2) If the orderer has promised, for example, 5 hours and has not mentioned any possible reduction in workload in their order, you have the right to demand the duration and compensation specified in the order, and the hours do not need to be reduced. However, it is always advisable to negotiate and agree on appropriate compensation together.
3) If the compensation for the work was a total compensation, do not adjust the hours according to the actual duration.
4) If you agree to work for a longer period than originally specified in the order, make sure that you both agree on the additional duration and adjust the hours accordingly.
You can modify the duration of the order from the task on the Ongoing-page. When marking the order as delivered, you can modify the duration by selecting "Change worked time if needed."
Next, remove the selection from "Worked amount matches original" and update the duration of the order along with the reason for the change.
Remember to save the changes by clicking on "Done."
If the orderer does not approve the order, you can modify the duration again until the orderer agrees with you.
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